Friday, March 8, 2013

Mr Beckham, polaroids, and disappointment


Chi here. Haha it has been a while hasn't it? Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about this. I was sick for the past week and I was stuck at home for at least four days. The agony of sickness... it's terrible :( I really don't like being sick guys.

So when I was at home, given the extra time that I had I sat down and did a bit of drawing, and after looking at some of my favourite design blogs I saw some really amazing drawings that were sort of to the more realistic, very detailed-looking side. And they were of people's faces. So after gazing at them for hours I said to myself, why don't I try out doing it? 

So I chose Mr David Beckham, just because his face is hot as hell (but he's getting old, what a shame). This is what I came up with after two hours that night! (Click title to view enlarged version)

"Mr. Beckham" by Chi Mai.
Pencil drawing. 2013.
As the weather is getting better lately, we have been taking a lot of polaroid pictures lately, and I can't help but drool over one of these babies. I know the film is expensive and all, but it is such a good tool to have for instant, in-a-moment memories. I would love to buy one and take millions of pictures with Alex when he gets over. That way I can store the little memories, no?

Right - Fuji Piano Black - Tiara's and this is what we used for photos below
Left - Fuji Instax Mini 7s (white) - what I want

Our favourite picture.
Also a few things happened over the course of last week. I was thinking of doing a student-led musical for next year on Grease alongside with another student-led on Beauty and the Beast since I kind of wanted to make it super good and in my own way as well. Unfortunately, after a few days of seeking approval from the school and talking and mucking around it couldn't happen and I am quite disappointed. There goes my senior year. But oh well, I will chip in and try to help as much as I could with the other musical... although I am not quite sure how Aincre and the group will deal with the whole dancing-teapots and singing-spoons.....

And there were a lot of boys disappointment too... boy, it was miraculous we finally got out of it! T'was worth it, for the short time, *hint hint Abi* and well... it will never happen again. I hope. I really don't want anyone to get hurt :(

Anyhow, that is too much talking for me today. Toodles.
Chi x

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